Paper FAQ #2
Q13: Tables & graphs aren't part of the page limit, right?
A: Correct. The page limit includes everything from the beginning of your introduction to the end of your discussion. (NOTE: remember to avoid using the heading "Introduction" at the beginning of your intro section.)
If you have the space, you can include tables & charts in the main body of the paper, but otherwise, you should put them in a separate section after the references and before the appendix (which is your questionnaire). Label your graphs "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc., and your tables "Table 1", "Table 2", etc. and make sure to reference them in your text -- e.g., "...(see Table 1.)"
Q14: Do we really need to NOT put our name on the title page?
A: Correct. Most TA's are having their students put their names on the front page, but that means that they have to fold over all the title pages before grading to make everything anonymous, and then the front page gets all scrunched up, the piles of papers are more likely to tip over, etc. So I'm asking my students to please put their names on the back of the last page of their paper (which is probably the back of your last questinnaire page) -- it's okay if you write it in by hand. Yes, it might seem a little weird at first, but it just makes things easier.
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